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Therapeutic Horseback Riding Improves Quality of Life in Children with Developmental Disorders

Psych Congress

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to measure the effect of therapeutic horseback riding on functional improvement and quality of life in children with developmental disorders. METHODS: Participants included 20 children aged 5 to 9 years with developmental disorders including autistic spectrum disorder and mental retardation. Each child had 30 minute horseback riding therapy twice a week for 8 weeks. Functional improvement was measured with Pediatric Evaluation Disability Inventory. Quality of life was measured with Quality of Life Questionnaire for Children. Overall satisfaction of treatment was scored using Goal Attainment Scale. Data were collected on each child at baseline and after treatment. RESULTS: 19 of the 20 children showed satisfaction with treatment in the Goal Attainment Scale. 17 children showed improve quality of life and the difference was statistically significant. Functional improvement measured in PEDI was not significant. CONCLUSION: This study represents improved quality of life after horseback riding therapy in children with developmental disorders.

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